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Scale Model Image Gallery - Roger Lang

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J.Neumeyer go-button4.gif (1264 bytes) Nathaniel Ng go-button4.gif (1264 bytes)  Kees v.d.Pols go-button4.gif (1264 bytes)  FSM Jan.2003 go-button4.gif (1264 bytes) PMMS go-button4.gif (1264 bytes) Dragon go
Trumpeter go Jon J Bersabal  go Joeri Michiels  go B.Lustig  go P.Albers  go Summary go
Martin Davis go Jeff Brundt go Juan go Projectiles go K5 Decals go Al.Barrel go
Model done by Roger Lang click to expand
Scale : 1/35
Brand : Not Applicable
Type : Scratch built
Courtesy of FineScale Modeler - March 2001 issue, photos by Terry Thompson
Showcase FSM
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Leopold was finished with Model Master Acryl paints and heavily weathered with a wash and chalks, and used Floquil stains on all the wood decking.
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Even the base got reworking treatment - machined away the rails and made replacements from styrene. The ties are Verlinden castings, and the ballast came from the model railroad section of the hobby shop.

For those who has missed the issue, the description of award-winning 1/35 scale  "Leopold"
Courtesy by Finescale Modeler March 2001 issue

Master modeler Roger Lang took the long way around to build this superlative model of the World War II gun that U.S. and Allied soldiers called " Anzio Annie." Though he liked the aesthetics of the German K5(E) railway gun, he wasn't pleased with the simplified detail in his 1/72 scale Hasegawa kit. And he didn't want to shell out the big bucks for a resin kit. In the end, scratchbuilding would prove to be a very rewarding answer.

To produce a set of plans, Roger turned to the Hasegawa model. He multiplied each key measurement by 2.06 (206%) and drew more than 100 parts using a professional drafting program ( AutoCAD ??). Then he studied scores of photographs, including many that he took of the actual Leopold on display at the Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland, and modified his parts drawings as needed. He also used photos of the K5 in Calais, France. According to Roger, " The photos from the gun in France were of the most help in determining the details for the entire electrical generator and crane section."

Working from scratch allowed Roger to use a variety of materials when crafting the different parts. The main bridge structure, the gun tube, the entire recoil structure, the trucks (bogies), and the generator housing were built mainly from styrene sheet, rod, tubing and structure shapes. He used basswood for the decking and steps. Side and end ladders were machined from brass sheet stock and soldered to brass wire rungs, and all the hand railings and hand wheels are soldered using brass wire.

The gun barrel took some special work. Roger built it in sections from different sizes of styrene tubing, then wrapped some sections in sheet styrene while using super glue as both a fastener and a filler. Then he took the barrel to his lathe for turning, sanding, and polishing.
And what about the sighting equipment which hasn't survived on the existing guns ? It is difficult to create this equipment in miniature when Roger made masters for the wheels, wheel, wheel bearing boxes, springs, spring hangers, brake shoes, hand rail stanchion brackets, projectiles, and most of the coupling hardware, then use silicon molds to cast the parts. Next he hand-formed 96 spring shackles from brass wire turned around a simple jig, then mounted them between the springs and spring hangers and topped them of with bolt castings. He did use a few commercially available parts on the Leopold - some of the nuts and bolts, the deck screening on the crane, and the screening that protects the exhaust pipes and mufflers. Archer Fine Transfers provided the dry transfer weld bead.

This model has been in eight model shows and has been awarded Best in Show at seven ( and 2nd place in scratch built armor at the 2000 IPMS Nationals). Roger's most prized Best in Show came at AMPS 2000, where the award elevated him to AMPS Master status.

Roger Lang
Born in England in 1944, came to USA in 1946 and built his first model in 1952.

Acknowledgment :
I would like to thanks above mentioned,  who have allowed the use of pictures.

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