MCV-Bradley - Tamiya 35132 |
Bradley IFV :
Mechanization of ground forces first came about during the 1st World War
with the introduction of an armored tracked vehicle fielding a large bore
cannon, by England. This vehicle was dubbed "Tank" by Winston
Churchill, and the innovation has altered the conduct of warfare to this
day. During the second World War conflict, the mechanization of infantry
was perfected by the Germans and brought about the name Blitzkrieg. During
that conflict over 3 million military vehicles were produced, and even
though the tank had considerable advantages, the need for a method of
having the infantry keep pace with them became a necessity.
After the war, many countries modified existing armored personnel carriers
for modern usage. The M113, which was first fielded in 1964, was a low
budget, trouble free masterpiece and widely used throughout the globe. The
United States needed a "Fight from within" mechanized Infantry
Combat Vehicle and research started in 1967 for a vehicle to meet the
purpose. With the greater speed and mobility of the M1 Abrams MBT new
requirements were levied that the IFV and CFV must be able to keep up and
support the MBT's. The FMC COrporation of San Jose, California won the
bidding competition and the M2/3's came into being. Dubbed the Bradley in
honor of Omar N.Bradley, a five star General of World War 2 fame, the M2/3
series offer the sought after flexibility in a true fight from within
The M2 Infantry Vehicle differs from the M3 in the addition of six
external firing ports to handle the M231 FPW's which can be operated by
the six, fully equipped infantrymen carried within. Manned by a crew of
three, the M2 IFV mounts a Hughes 25mm M242 chain-gun and a coaxially
mounted 7.62 machine gun, housed in an offset turret which can be traverse
360 degrees. With a maximum elevation angle of 60 degrees, the cannon
provides aircraft and helicopter protection. A thermic ray visioning fire
control system allows accurate firing even when traversing rough field
conditions, day or night.
A TOW anti-tank missile system also complements the defensive capabilities
of the Bradley. With a speed of 66km/h on road capability, the M2 IFV is
truely a formidable weapons system.
(From Tamiya Manual) |
Country of
Origin : 
: 3 + 6
Armament : 1x25mm cannon, 1x7.62mm MG (coaxial), 2xTOW ATGW
launcher, 1x4 smoke dischargers
Ammunition : 900 x 25mm, 1,340 x 7.62mm, 7 x TOW ATGW
Engine : Cummins VTA-903T Turbocharged 8-cylinders diesel
developing 500 hp at 2,600 rpm |
: 6.453m
Width : 3.2m
Height over turret roof : 2.565m
Power-to-weight ratio : 20.38hp/tonne
Maximum road speed : 66 km/hr
Maximum water speed : 7.2 km/hr
Fuel capacity : 662 lit.
Vertical obstacle : 0.914m
Trench : 2.54m
Armor : Classified
NBC system : Yes
Hull top : 1.9m
Ground Clearance : 0.432m
Weight, combat : 22,590kg
Weight, empty : 19,005kg
Ground Pressure : 0.54kg/cm²
Maximum cruising range : 483 km
Fording : Amphibious with preparation
Gradient : 60%
Side slope : 40%
Armor type : Aluminium/laminate/steel
Night Vision Equipment : Yes